What are Fluorescent Ballasts?
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How Fluorescent Ballasts Work
When a fluorescent lamp is turned on, the lamp's electrodes heat up and release electrons. These mix with the mercury gas and other gases that are in the lamp. When this happens, the electrons bump into atoms that are in the gas, releasing wavelengths of ultraviolet light that are consumed by the fluorescent coating on the inside of the lamp. This then ultimately produces the light we can see. The job of the fluorescent ballast is to manage this entire process by giving the lamp the voltage it needs to get the process done. It also makes sure the lamp doesn't take in so much voltage that it burns out. That is because a fluorescent lamp inherently has a negative resistance, meaning it will continue taking in voltage until its power supply can't take anymore. To combat this, the fluorescent ballast supplies the opposite resistance -- positive -- to restrict the current. In its simplest form, a ballast uses magnetic energy that erupts into the lamp when it is turned on, stimulating the electrodes to make a current and the lamp glows. Today's fluorescent ballasts are mainly electronic, and they have a number of positive attributes including energy efficiency, reduced flicker of light, and even dimming capabilities.Types of Fluorescent Ballasts
There are a few different types of fluorescent ballasts to know about.Instant Start
One of the more popular types of ballasts is the instant-start ballast. Rather than warming up the lamp's electrodes gradually, the ballast gives a rather large initial voltage to get it going. Although this helps save energy since there's less energy used when compared to other ballast types, the lamp degrades quicker. We recommend this for light fixtures that will not turn off and on regularly.
Rapid Start
A rapid start ballast works differently from an instant start as it does allow the lamp time to preheat by initially using a low voltage. When the lamp's cathodes are nice and warm, the voltage increases to light the lamp. One advantage of rapid start ballasts is that they work in a parallel lamp service. That means if you have four lamps running on the one ballast and two go out, the other two will continue working.
Programmed Start
The programmed start ballast operates much like the rapid start. It gradually heats up the lamp's cathodes before initializing the ignition of the lamp. The ballast is able to warm the cathodes at an even higher temperature, allowing less burn out. You can also use these with lighting fixtures that will turn on and off frequently.
Shop for a fluorescent ballast on ShineRetrofits.com