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June 2023

  1. Understanding Candela and Lumen: Shedding Light on Lighting Metrics

    Understanding Candela and Lumen: Shedding Light on Lighting Metrics

    When it comes to lighting, we often come across terms like candela and lumen, which are used to measure different aspects of light. While both metrics are essential in assessing the performance of lighting systems, they represent distinct characteristics of light. In this blog, we will delve into the differences between candela and lumen, exploring their definitions, applications, and how...

  2. What is the DesignLights Consortium: Revolutionizing Energy-Efficient Lighting

    What is the DesignLights Consortium: Revolutionizing Energy-Efficient Lighting

    The pursuit of energy efficiency has become increasingly important in the modern world. Among various initiatives, the Design Lights Consortium (DLC) stands out as a pioneering organization, dedicated to promoting high-quality, energy-efficient lighting solutions. In this blog, we will delve into the origins, mission, and impact of the DLC. By exploring the resources available on their official website, designlights.org, as...

  3. What are Halide Lights?

    What are Halide Lights?

    Halide lights, also known as metal halide lights or lamps, are a popular lighting option in various applications, ranging from outdoor lighting to commercial and industrial settings. These high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps offer a powerful and efficient lighting solution. In this article, we will delve into the world of halide lights, exploring their composition, working principles, applications, benefits, and considerations...

  4. Exploring the Different Types of Security Lighting

    Exploring the Different Types of Security Lighting

    Security lighting plays a vital role in deterring potential intruders, enhancing visibility, and creating a sense of safety in both residential and commercial spaces. This article aims to shed light on the various types of security lighting available, examining their features, benefits, and applications. We will explore the diverse range of security lighting options designed to protect and illuminate your...

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