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At ShineRetrofits.com we constantly strive to operate within, provide services for, and promote our mission of ultimate sustainability. We provide energy efficient lighting for large lighting projects and save enourmous amounts of energy for our customers, but sustainability goes so much farther beyond lighting retrofits. With increasing use of scarce resources and environmental impact that our society puts on the earth, we hold integrated and universal sustainability at the center of our core purpose.

Our mission is to embrace, operate by, and provide total efficiency:

Offerings: The products and projects we offer inherently are the most efficient lighting products available that not only provide huge environmental and energy savings, but first and foremost provide a very short return on investment and low payback to save businesses on operating costs. Lighting retrofits often is the lowest hanging fruit and has the biggest impact on your operational as well as environmental savings, all while eliminating maintenance costs by installing very long lasting new lighting technology.  In a typical large space, indoor or outdoor, a lighting retrofit will save you over 50% energy and costs with new LED, induction, fluorescent, or other efficient technologies. We believe so strongly in this that we do not sell anything that is inefficient or outdated by newer, cost effective technology.

Operations:  Total efficiency translates not only to easier workflow without our organization, but means a better customer experience as well. Embracing and using the latest technology as it makes sense, we are able to respond to customers faster, be more competitive, and pay close attention to the ever fast changes in the lighting industry, especially now with the strong innovation in LED lighting.

In partnership with Certifiably Green Denver, we are constantly working towards being more sustainable and ultimately having a smaller impact on the environment. This includes an office that utilizes solar electric power, energy efficient lighting, composting and recycling, promotion of bycling and use public transportation, using only the latest and energy efficient computer and office equipment, recycled paper, automated temperature and occupancy control, and so much more.

Together we can all be aligned to work more efficiently and incorporate sustainability best practices to strive for a more beneficial and equitable social, environmental, and economic world.

© 2023 ShineRetrofits.com. All Rights Reserved. Your source for induction lights, LED, and fluorescent fixtures and retrofit kits.